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Rosanna Caldarella

Politecnico di Milano

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My Story

Passionate about the world of design since childhood. After the scientific high school diploma, at the age of 18 I decided to leave my homeland and move to study interior design at the Politecnico di Milano. Here I discovered a new approach to the wonderful world of design that I had never really explored before, and which has been my greatest passion ever since.

Today I'm in the last year of my bachelor’s degree, and every day I carry on my duties with enthusiasm and with a strong belief that the role of designer can not only improve people's lives, but also that of the planet, changing the world for the better. I believe that design is a very powerful tool capable of shaping the values that will determine our future; To that end, I work every day keeping in mind that our surroundings have a lot of power over our moods and emotions, and therefore, harnessing that power can be a truly life-changing experience. Always looking for new challenge and enriching experiences, I'm curious to find out what the future holds for me.



Humans are behaving like parasites, damaging the initial balance of the natural ecosystem.

It's time to be part of the change: Hòstraka aims to protect the marine ecosystem while demonstrating how a sustainable vision can coexist with an amazing navigation experience. Our inspiration came from the ocean, with the cleaning activity of oysters that are able to create pearls from something bad for them: we want people to learn from what nature has already proved, offering the cleaning and the pearl experience. The greatest pleasure will be for the guest, who will enjoy the sea like never before: respecting it.

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