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Giulia Ettori

Politecnico di Milano

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My Story

I was born in Milan, renowned as the city of design. From a young age, I exhibited a profound interest in the realms of art and nature. My educational journey commenced during high school at the Liceo Artistico Statale "di Brera", where I encountered the field of interior design. This discovery subsequently sparked the notion of enrolling in the Interior Design program at the Politecnico di Milano. This invaluable opportunity facilitated the augmentation of my artistic acumen and fortified my resolve to see through every initiated project. Notably, I swiftly engaged in university life and collaborative endeavors. Through my university experience, I was afforded the chance to undertake extracurricular projects, thus expanding the horizons of my knowledge. My remarkably imaginative disposition has enabled the realization of projects that transcend conventional boundaries, and fueled by an insatiable curiosity, I remain in a perpetual quest for fresh inspirations.



Humans are behaving like parasites, damaging the initial balance of the natural ecosystem.

It's time to be part of the change: Hòstraka aims to protect the marine ecosystem while demonstrating how a sustainable vision can coexist with an amazing navigation experience. Our inspiration came from the ocean, with the cleaning activity of oysters that are able to create pearls from something bad for them: we want people to learn from what nature has already proved, offering the cleaning and the pearl experience. The greatest pleasure will be for the guest, who will enjoy the sea like never before: respecting it.

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